Junio, 2024

Mie05JunTodo el DíaMieINTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE GAMEPlayful activity by Guixot de 8. Students, families and teachersCentro Educativo Gençana Participantes: Students, families and teachers


Students, families and teachers



Guixot de 8 is the first Catalan company that turns the game into a street performance. Makes it collecting the testimony of popular games and greasy pole so rooted in our country, and also is one of the first companies in Europe leading games by streets and squares. In addition, it is the first company to do it with original games, self-made and built with recycled materials.

Creating games that builds Guixot de 8 come from two different sources of inspiration. On the one hand, from the material and on the other hand, from an idea. In both cases, curiosity, observation and imagination, they are present, causing it to regain the relevance of the game, as the game of wits.

These clues lead us to be contestants on the game itself, making the challenge and overcoming oneself, the main objective and maximum satisfaction. A pastime where the five senses are working nonstop.

On the occasion of the celebration of the international day of the game, Gençana Education Center in collaboration with the AMPA Jacaranda has invited for the fifth year the company to install their games “. We’ll play with our senses, with our hands, feet and sight.

“We have resisted a lot to promote competitiveness. We think that society is already competitive enough to pass it to our games. But we realized that we could put a point of humor and thus invent a new sport made of 5 old. We play basketball, with a tennis ball, using the technique of billiards, hitting with a golf ball with a handle with a bicycle brake. A new sport, which will be Olympic in the next Olympics in which at thirty-some years old you are not expired and in which men and women play together, like life. In the same way we have made several versions of basketball, tennis, different races: thimbles, ladybugs, balls etc.”


Todo el Día (Miércoles)


Centro Educativo Gençana

C/Ermita nova, 3. Godella, Valencia